Oedipus Rex by Sophocles


The Oedipus myth is one of the most recognized from Ancient Greece. Oedipus, though he didn’t know it when he did it, killed his father and married his mother. This was his fate, and the myth teaches that no matter what humans do, they can’t avoid their destiny. Sophocles’ play only deals with Oedipus finding out his true identity, which is how he learns that he killed his father. When the play starts, a plague is destroying Thebes, and Oedipus finds out from Apollo’s oracle at Delphi that the only way to end the plague is to find out who killed the previous king of Thebes. Oedipus is single-minded in his pursuit of the truth, and in the end, he finds out that the truth isn’t always the best policy.


Oedipus: King of Thebes, husband and son of Iocaste.

Creon: Iocaste’s brother, Oedipus’s brother-in-law and uncle.

Teiresias: The blind prophet who tells Oedipus in the beginning that he killed King Laios.

Iocaste: Queen of Thebes, wife and mother of Oedipus.

Shepherd: Tells Oedipus that he is Iocaste’s son.

Chorus: Theban elders.


Thebes suffers from a plague. Oedipus wants to end the plague, so he sends Creon to Apollo’s oracle at Delphi. Creon comes back and tells him that the oracle said that to end the plague, the murderer of Laios (who was king before Oedipus) must be found out and punished. Oedipus, the wisest mortal (he did solve the riddle of the Sphinx), decrees that the murderer will be found and punished. Oedipus finds out King Laios was murdered at some crossroads. Oedipus had killed some guy at some crossroads when he left Corinth. He left Corinth because he had been told it was his fate to kill his father. He didn’t want that so he left. So, he realized he probably was the guy who killed King Laios at some crossroads. Oedipus didn’t know it was his father though because he had been raised in Corinth. But, what happened was that King Laios had been told his son would kill him, so he sent his newborn son to be left on the side of a mountain to die. A shepherd saved him. The kid survived and was raised in Corinth. This kid was Oedipus of course. So, Oedipus finds this out and realizes out Laios was his father and he killed him and that he is married to his mother. His mother/wife hangs herself and then Oedipus stabs out his eyes. Then he says good bye to his daughters and leaves Thebes to roam around a lonely guy.




The Chorus sings a song about how great the gods are and how bad life in Thebes is, what with the plague.

Scene One

Ode One

The Chorus sings a song about how the killer can’t get away and how they don’t believe that Oedipus is the killer.

Scene Two

Ode Two

The Chorus sings a song about how Pride will bring down men and how great the Gods are and especially Apollo’s oracle at Delphi.

Scene Three

Ode Three

The Chorus sings a song about a mountain and some gods.

Scene Four

Ode Four

Exodos (the last scene and exit of the Chorus)