The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain


Mark Twain lived from 1836 – 1910 and wrote this book in 1884. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is like many of Twain’s other writings, it’s a comedy, but it also has some serious issues in it, like slavery. Twain paints a picture of what life was like in the 19th century. This adventurous story also is cool because the characters talk like regular people, they use slang – well, the slang from back then – and that was considered a big deal. This book is an American classic, and a sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.


Huckleberry Finn: He is the main dude of the story. An all around good kid, he has a self-esteem problem. His dad is a big drunk who beats him. Huck’s age is somewhere between 12-15.

Tom Sawyer: Huck's good friend. Tom gets into all sorts of trouble. He is a witty kid who can lie.

Slave Jim: Jim is a black dude who is a slave. Jim was "owned" by Widow Watson. In the beginning he is an outlaw slave running away. He and Huck become really close.

King and Duke: They are two con-artists. They tell Huck they are nobility. Huck calls them the king and the duke. They are fast talkers but get busted in the end.


The book starts out with Huck telling the reader that this is a sequel to Tom Sawyer. After his dad deserted him, Huck lives with some lady named Widow Douglas. He describes the widow’s sister and his two friends, Tom Sawyer and Slave Jim. Then huck’s dad comes back and takes Huck. After a while, Huck’s dad starts beating Huck, so Huck runs away. He fools everyone into thinking he has been killed. He goes to some island where slave Jim to where Jim had also escaped.

Huck and Jim get a raft and sail down the Mississippi River. Then their raft gets hit by a boat and breaks. While Jim fixes it, Huck hangs out with some family. Then the raft is repaired and they sail on. They are joined by two crooks who tell Huck they are French royalty. Huck doesn’t believe them, but plays along. Then the two guys, King and the Duke, go from town to town and swindle people out of cash. Huck doesn’t like traveling with two con men, so he thinks up a plan to sail away and have the two guys arrested. The plan doesn’t work. Then the two jerks run out of cash so they sell Slave Jim to a farmer.

The farmer that buys Jim is Tom Sawyer’s uncle. Then Huck and Tom meet up. They decide to set Jim free. They devise a plan but the plan does not work and on top of that, Tom gets shot in the leg. Then they all find out that Jim has actually been a free black man all along. So everyone goes home. Huck decides that he is going to go live in the Indian territory.







CHAPTERS 11 – 12

CHAPTERS 13 – 14

CHAPTERS 15 – 16

CHAPTERS 17 – 18

CHAPTERS 19 – 20

CHAPTERS 21 – 22

CHAPTERS 23 – 24

CHAPTERS 25 – 26

CHAPTERS 27 – 28

CHAPTERS 29 – 30

CHAPTERS 31 – 32

CHAPTERS 33 – 34

CHAPTERS 35 – 37

CHAPTERS 38 – 39

CHAPTERS 40 – 41

CHAPTERS 42 – 43